Gallery – Chain Maille
Here’s my gallery of chain maille work. I know, some of it isn’t beaded, but I’m working on some! In the meanwhile, here are some goodies to look at.

European 4-in-1 Weave Bracelet – I used copper and enameled copper jump rings for this bracelet.

I had a lot of fun creating this! I think it’s my own weave, and I definitely know it’s my own pattern!

You have to be careful with how you make chain maille earrings; the rings can end up really heavy when you make them long. So I decided to provide the extra length with a Swarovski bead.

This is a bracelet made with a pattern called flower chain. It’s pretty and you can do a whole lot with it!

I call this one “How Sharper Than a Serpent’s Tooth”, because of the coiled snake-y look.

Byzantine Bracelet – “In the Shadows”
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